We're starting the month off with a discussion about science fiction. Do you like to read stories set in the near future, the past, or in a galaxy far-far away?
Join the ongoing discussion of your favorite fantasies in historical settings.
Everyone is welcome to post here, but consider joining our group where there is a lot more discussion. It's free and easy. Just click the button in the sidebar and you're in.

A PLACE FOR LOVERS OF DARK AND SPECULATIVE FICTION: Book reviews, author interviews, reading groups, discussions We talk about books and stories of urban fantasy, paranormal romance, heroic fantasy, horror, dark fantasy, science fiction, steampunk, time travel, vampires, ghosts, werewolves, dragons, demons, angels, magicians, monsters and more.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Monday, January 31, 2011
Three Interesting Discussions This Week on The Fantasy_Fiction_Forum Group
Should vampires be scary?
Twilight vs. Dracula: What's your preference?
Read any good urban fantasy lately?
Share your favorite authors and stories.
Do you prefer reading the book or seeing the movie?
We've started out by discussing Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
Please join us!

Twilight vs. Dracula: What's your preference?
Read any good urban fantasy lately?
Share your favorite authors and stories.
Do you prefer reading the book or seeing the movie?
We've started out by discussing Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
Please join us!

Click to join Fantasy_Fiction_Forum
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Join Us
Welcome to Fantasy Fiction Forum, a place for lovers of dark speculative fiction. Founded by Rayne Hall and members of the Professional Authors Group, this is the portal to a place to hang out if you want to discuss a new short story or novel, ask a question, and keep up with recent trends in the genre.
Please join our Yahoo Group.
It's free and easy and we're serious about keeping out troublemakers and spam.
Please join our Yahoo Group.
It's free and easy and we're serious about keeping out troublemakers and spam.
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